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Terms & Conditions for Dog Training Services



Booking any service with Kingdom Dog Training indicates your acceptance of the following terms and conditions.



Kingdom Dog Training employs positive reinforcement techniques exclusively, ensuring all interactions with your pets are gentle and respectful. For the safety of all involved, we require dogs to be equipped with appropriate leads, harnesses, and collars. Please note that extendable leads are prohibited due to potential risks to both handlers and dogs. We strictly prohibit the use of physical force, harsh handling, fear, or shock in any of our services. Punitive methods or equipment such as choke collars, prong collars, spray collars, e-collars, or any other aversive tools are not permitted. 



Dogs displaying reactivity to other dogs and/or humans may not be suitable for group classes. If you suspect your dog may exhibit reactive behaviour, please contact us to explore alternative options. In cases where a dog's well-being or that of other clients is compromised in a class environment, we reserve the right to request the removal of the dog from the session. This decision is made in the best interest of all involved and alternative training options or refunds will be discussed. 

If your dog is in heat, please notify us immediately as we will not be able to accept them into group classes during this time; alternative class dates will be offered but we cannot provide a refund in these circumstances. 



Kingdom Dog Training accepts no liability for loss, injury, or death resulting from actions of third parties. Any accidents or injuries must be reported immediately to the trainer delivering the session, for proper attention and documentation. Clients are expected to adhere to instructions at all times, refrain from equipment use without trainer approval, and respect the space of others. While children are welcome with adult supervision, it's the responsibility of supervising adults to ensure their safety and adherence to session guidelines. Disruptive behaviour may result in the request for the child's non-attendance in future sessions. 


While we endeavour to provide excellent care, Kingdom Dog Training cannot be held responsible for medical issues arising during your pet's session. Clients are advised to maintain third-party liability insurance when their pets are outside their home environment. 



All dogs must be adequately vaccinated/titre tested and treated for parasites before participating in our services. Owners are responsible for ensuring their dog's protection against disease risks. Clients 

should notify us in advance of any illness or contact with contagious dogs. Additionally, inform us of any allergies or dietary restrictions your dog may have. 



By providing your personal data upon booking, you consent to receiving communications from Kingdom Dog Training. Clients may opt out of marketing communications by contacting us directly. Photography during sessions may be used for promotional purposes unless otherwise requested by the client. 


a. Group training classes & workshops: 

Full payment is required upon booking. Class bookings are non refundable.

b. Private 121 sessions: 


Full payment must be received upon booking. Sessions must be utilized within six months of the original booking, after this time sessions will expire and not be eligible for scheduling or refund. Our trainer will make due attempts to remind clients to book their sessions within the six-month timeframe, but cannot be held responsible for clients not responding to contact attempts. 


If the client wishes to reschedule a session, we require at least 48 hours' notice. Cancellations made after this time will be deducted from the client’s plan. 



All payments must be made via bank transfer upon booking unless otherwise agreed with your trainer



Clients acknowledge and accept the inherent risks associated with participating in dog training sessions. Kingdom Dog Training is not liable for any injuries, damages, or losses incurred during sessions. Clients are responsible for their dog's behaviour and must ensure the safety of themselves and others at all times. Parking at any venue is at the client's own risk, and Kingdom Dog Training assumes no liability for theft or damage to vehicles or property. 

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